Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do Successful Women Turn Off Men?

Grazia August issue quotes me and Ira Trivedi on our conflicting views.


vinodsagar said...

its ur wish somebody will read it...then do the need ful...thank'am

Naina Gupta said...

It's one of those annoying hypocrisies that we have.
During school we are told to work hard, be the top of the class, go as far into education as you possibly can so that you get a great job.
As soon as you get into marriage, you have to give all that up and be a wife.

A Kumar said...

Thats true. But the problem lies with the society (of which the female partner is also part of). Men who depend on their partners are not looked upon with equal respect, and hence issues start cropping up. Its not that the man doesnt want her to succeed..

Reserved for One: A poem

We don't trust enough We don't pour out our hearts  Telling all our secrets, our fears and surrendering to each other. Comple...